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Do Androids Dream? World Models in Modern AI

One of the most striking AI advances this spring was OpenAI’s Sora, a video generation model that sets new standards for video consistency and diversity. Interestingly, the official report on Sora is titled “Video generation models as world simulators”. It notes that Sora has emerging simulation capabilities and is on a “promising path towards the development of capable simulators of the physical and digital world”. Today, we discuss world models in modern artificial intelligence: what they are, how they have progressed over the last few years, and where they may go in the future.

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One of the most striking AI advances this spring was OpenAI's Sora, a video generation model that sets new standards…

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The announcement of Gemini 1.5 by Google was all but eclipsed by OpenAI’s video generation model Sora. Still, there was…

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Here at Synthesis AI, we have decided to release the "Generative AI" series in an e-book form; expect a full-fledged…

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