A Bright Future for Synthetic Data

AI will reshape and transform many industries. However, it is currently limited by the availability of accurate and diverse labeled training data.

Synthetic data, or computer-generated image data that models the real world, has the potential to provide nearly unlimited perfectly-labeled training data to enable the development of more capable models.

From autonomous vehicles, robotics, AR/VR, and AI assistants, the use-cases of synthetic data are broad.

89 Percent of Tech Execs


Adapt or Be Left Behind: 89 Percent of Tech Execs See Synthetic Data As a Key to Staying Ahead

This report, conducted by Synthesis AI in conjunction with Vanson Bourne, presents findings and takeaways from a survey of 100 senior technology executives on their perceptions of synthetic data, potential benefits and barriers of implementation, and what industry leaders think it will take to continue driving the adoption of synthetic data.

What Industry Leaders Are Saying
believe that their industry will utilize synthetic data either independently or in combination with ‘real-world’ data within the next five years.
agree that their organization lacks the knowledge and understanding when it comes to implementing synthetic data.
agree that synthetic data is a new and innovative technology that will transform their industry.
To download a copy of the report, fill out the form.