Synthesis Humans

Create perfectly labeled images & video for ML models

Synthesis Humans

Create perfectly labeled images & video for ML models.

Built for ML

Built for ML

get started quickly
diversity at scale

Start Generating Data Quickly

Get fully labeled images in minutes. Choose predefined settings and humans to add to your existing data immediately. Fine-tune as you go.

Gain Programmatic Control

Near-infinite combinations of humans, environments/lighting, and sensor types. Create large datasets with easy-to-use distribution groups. Graduate to our REST API for data generation of larger volumes of data in the Synthesis AI platform.

Get Diversity at Scale

Reduce bias in your models from imbalanced data sets while preserving privacy. Ensure equal representation across age, sex, skin tone, epicanthic eye folds, and more.

Integrate + Iterate

Our platform is for ML practitioners first. We provide python libraries to quickly and easily retrieve all the metadata for your use case. Once you integrate, create new data on the fly and watch your models improve.

Easy to Generate Labeled Data

face and body image

Step 1

Select use case template

Step 2

Choose IDs

Step 3

Set face and body parameter ranges

Step 4

Define cameras and environments

Step 5


Easy to Generate Media

Step 1

Select use case template

Step 2

Choose IDs

Step 3

Set face and body parameter ranges

Step 4

Define cameras and environments

Step 5



Rich Labels
Photorealistic Images
Diversity & Control

Rich labels

Pixel-perfect set of rich labels including detailed segmentation maps, depth, surface normals, 2D/3D landmarks, and more.
Rich labels

Photorealistic Images

A unique combination of generative neural networks, procedural generation, and cinematic VFX rendering systems deliver photorealistic images.

Photorealistic Images

Diversity & Control

Create nearly infinite data variability across skin tones, gender, age, facial attributes, body types, lighting, camera placement and more.
Diversity & Control

Ready for a demo? We're here to help.