Synthesis Labs

Bringing together generative AI and visual effects (VFX) to enable digital human and object synthesis.

Text to 3D

Synthesis AI’s 3D platform brings together prompt-based 3D generative AI and cinematic visual effects pipelines to create infinitely diverse and high-quality 3D assets. Building on years of work with synthetic data, Synthesis AI’s 3D  beta release introduces photoreal digital humans for use in gaming, visual effects, and synthetic data generation.

3D Digital Humans

The platform translates text prompts into ultra-high-definition 3D digital human assets, and is being trained to generate complex inanimate objects in the future. Current approaches offer low resolution and poor quality, or can’t manage the complexities of human image synthesis with sufficient accuracy to be useful.


Generate a 3D digital human with any combination of skin tone, facial characteristics, clothing and other features. Groups of people can be synthesized using any distribution of characteristics. Create entire populations that meet specific diversity requirements for your project.

The Text-to-3D Beta is Now Closed